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GeorgeL TurnerJr
GeorgeL's Interests
#ONE=MySelf , #Two=LIFE , #Three=Taking CARE Of Myself & Helping Those That I CAN , #Four=MUSIC & The CALMNES It Gives Me OR The FUN & JOY!!! I ask Myself in THINGS That I DO , Is IT Better Than JUST Good Enough !!!

  • GeorgeL's Blog

  • ALL human Actions have ONE or MORE of these #7 causes ; CHANCE , NATURE , COMPULSIONS , HABIT , REASON , PASSION , DESIRE...Never forget that all the Enthusiasm You need is in Your mind.Let it Out=Let it Live=Let it Motivate YOU !!! LOVE Yourself=ACCEPT Yourself=FORGIVE Yourself because without You the REST of US are without a SOURCE of Many Wonderfull THINGS !!! ME///@George L Turner Jr.aka GLTjrInnCooggNegrooo>>> COME Too """A4F"""& SURF=Never A DULL "SURF"=SURPRISES Coming At YOU All The Time+IT Is MORE Than WORTH Your TIME too SURF Here , SEEE YOU In Side SURING !!! AND if YOU Don't THINK? I am A NICE/Really/Very NICE !!! Person , JUST watch My FRIENDS List GROW , GOOD People GROW ToooGather !!! PEACE , LOVE & Happine$$ Be With """US"""All Every DAY 24/7/365 !!! I want TO THANK all The NICE People With GOOD TasTE who Are JOINING ME HERE as A InTerNET """FRIEND""" The BE$T Tooo US ALL!!! , GOOD-LUCK & REmember ME...GLTjr.Heyyy & A BIG Hello Tooo EVERYONES Here , IT Has BEEN My """PLEASURE"""& """FUN""" Meeting EVERYONES Here / I THANK YOU allllll 4 The FRIEND HOOK UPS , LETS DO THIS sum MORE in TWENTY twenty FOUR??? SEE YOU Then !!!TOOO ALL of MYYY new FRIENDS from #2023 , I am GOing TO """HELP"""YOU get To YOUR BANK$ more In #2024 with ME HERE>>> , HAPPY New Year$===IF YOU use A CARD PEOPLE??? IT should BE this CARD PEOPLE!!!> , IT PAY$$$ proFIT$$$ & ITS Heavy METAL your DESIGN????????????????????????????????????????????THIS is The MOST Dedicated/SERIOUS/Page I Have EVER Presented Tooo The InTerNET in Mt #25+YRS here , Sooo PLESE Take ME & This PAGE SERIOUS!!! , THANK$$$>>> Thank YOU ALL for FRIENDING UP With ME Here , THE BEST tooo EVERY ONE$$$

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