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Jerry Ballantyne
Carleton, Michigan, United States
Jerry's Interests
Surfing (well duh)

  • Jerry's Blog

  • Jul 10th 2024 at 7:46 AM
    I love surfing. How 'bout you?

    Jerry Ballantyne (stacymevol) here and I love to surf. There's nothing better than getting a lot of free traffic to your sites.

    Would you like to see my 10 favorites? Just click the cute little beagle. She'll open a new window and show them to you.

    See 1 or 2 (or more) TEs that you're not using? Why not give them a try. They're all free to join and I'd be honored to have you as a member of my downline. Just remember, advertising's like happiness. You can never have too much.

    Beagle Hits

    WARNING: Use of these programs may be habit forming and could lead to a significant increase in traffic.

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Jerry's RSS Feed
I love surfing. How 'bout you?
Jul 10th 2024 at 7:46 AM
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