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Larry Wentz
West Fargo, ND (US)
Larry's Interests

  • Larry's Blog

  • Difficulty Getting Set-Up - Unable To Create Splash Pages - Cost - Procrastination

    All or any of the above excuses stop you from building your own list?

    I've had those excuses myself but realized the profitability of having a list when I leased an adboard, I was able to email my advertisers whenever I wanted and it worked fantastic. It was one major reason I have so many sign-ups here at SubmitAds4Free. Unfortuately the adboard company shut down when the owner passed away. It was a learning lesson for me.

    Well now I can use this free system that builds a list that I own that pays me while I promote it. In fact I can build multiple lists with unlimited subscribers.

    You can do it to. Use the system for free and earn money doing it. All the excuses I listed above disappear... except if you continue to procrastinate.

    Think about this when you see the leaderboard of top earners in company affiliate programs. What do they all have in common? Yep - they have their own mailing list that prints out money when they use it.

    Check out the system here at

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  • Everyone needs a backup service if you want to protect your important data and files. Gotbackup gives you 6 separate accounts with 6TB to protect you and your family for only $9.97 a month - an absolute bargain.

    As an affiliate of GotBackup - you also can earn 200% commissions on your referrals plus residual income for life!

    Get a tour and lock in your free position in the company now at


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  • Feb 21st 2023 at 3:43 PM
    My Current Top 10 Traffic Websites

    Hey Everyone!

    Well I get traffic from many places and that is more then just the top 10 page sites listed. However those listed are a good core of places I use & am mostly upgraded at.

    My goal in traffic exchanges is to develop a growing amount of residual income & traffic even on days I don't surf... eventually I hope to do very little surfing at all. The way to do that is to use & promote solid TEs that provide you with "leverage" based on your referrals efforts & purchases. Oh yeah... you got to get referrals so stay consistent on your efforts but adjust when needed.

    So here is a link to my current top 10 page - (obviously SubmitAds4Free makes it 11)

    This will get you a feel of a portion of the sites I direct my efforts.

    Have A Great One!

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Larry's RSS Feed
My Current Top 10 Traffic Websites
Feb 21st 2023 at 3:43 PM
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