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Nelson Silva
My House, Canada
Nelson's Interests
Hi I am Nelson from Toronto, Canada. I do enjoy making easy money online. And that is exactly what I do. I enjoy building email lists so I can advertise to. The money is still in the email list.
I have worked in construction as a carpenter for 22 plus years as a new home framer, and a skyscraper concrete forms carpenter. Yes, I work better with my hands.
Praise Elohim and Yahshua.

  • Nelson's Blog

  • Oct 6th 2022 at 12:05 PM
    I Get 100 New Leads Everyday, So Can You

    Get 100 New Leads Everyday


    Day 1: 100 new leads

    Day 7: 700 new leads

    Day 14: 1400 new leads

    Day 30: 3000 new leads, and so on.

    And here is what my email list looks like today (October 5, 2022)

    Get your 100 New Leads Starting Now

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  • Oct 6th 2022 at 11:43 AM
    Horseback Riding

    My Birthday HorseBack Riding

    Today is August 26, 2022 at the time of video creation. It was my birthday. No worries if you haven't wished me a HBD. I wished it myself already, and got my wish. To start horseback riding again. But in Canada now, not in Portugal.

    Praise Elohim and Yahshua, happy birthday everyone.

    3 comments - add a comment
Nelson's RSS Feed
Horseback Riding
Oct 6th 2022 at 11:43 AM
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