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Click The Banners And Find The Promo Code To Win The Prize!
Current Prize: 75 Credits & 105 Text Imps & 85 Banner Imps & 95 Sq. Banner Imps!
Winning Prize Square: ??
View Timer Has Been Reduced To 5 Seconds
Prize Surf Promo Code:
1) Copy Surf Pomo Code to Your Clipboard.
2) Click Here to Login & then Redeem the Surf Promo Code.
Come Back Tomorrow to Play Again!
Hidden behind one of the banners is a daily surf promo code.
Click each banner to view the site for 10 seconds.
Wait for the timer to countdown before closing the window.
Clicked banners will have a green border.
Timer Prize: Find the timer prize square and the view timer will be reduced to 5 seconds.
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